Code 1301 means there's a delay in processing the return. With the economic collapse worsening by the day, the delays in processing federal tax refunds are increasing anxiety levels throughout the country.
Here's an enlightening exchange on the popular GodlikeProductions internet forum . . .
Somebody must know why the IRS is delaying returns. Mine has said 1301 for 2 weeks. Yahoo Answers is also deleting some questions reguarding 1301. If I owed them money, they would want it like yesterday plus interest and more taxes. Anyone else having problems?
Last spring I remember an internal memo that came from the USPS HQ [I'm a postal employee] that said around 17% of Americans do not file taxes... and it urged us good, loyal federal employess to do so because if we didn't it inspired a lack of voluntary participation and confidence in the tax system. I found those words to be very odd... and posted a thread here on GLP at the time as I interpreted them to mean that we really WEREN'T required to pay taxes and that it IS voluntary after all. And, I was a little surprised at that high 17% figure!
There was a discussion on this a long time ago. Apparently there is no law saying we need to pay taxes and it is voluntary. The problem, I think, is that they do have laws on the books saying they can prosecute if certain tax codes are violated. (But not for actually paying the tax in the first place - only if you omit something on reporting.) Sort of a catch-22. It's like paying the mob. There is no law saying you have to, but it you don't, you run the risk of having your knee caps broken in an unfortunate "accident".
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